My Name is Ashutosh Joshi and Im 18 years old yet. Im a student of Computer Science and Engineering. Apart of all that, I also write Fantasy stories like 2 A.M and more stories coming soon. I always believe to entertain people in whatever the way, you can check my Instagram account @joshipb19  and also @joshipage , where I take interviews of people and discuss about different topics. I want to travel the world, according to me, we should see the world made by God. I want to do everything in my life and also want to do something for our next generation like planting more and more trees. According to me, you always have to make memories with your friends and family because if you take a look in the past, working  9-5 was temporary but memories last forever. And yes im a fitness guider too, if you want any suggestion regarding diet and exercises, send me an email. For email details, go check out my instagram profile.❤❤❤



Love you a lot,.❤❤❤



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